Thursday, July 1, 2010

How to Be productive after getting let go from your job Read more: How to Be productive after getting let go from your job

By : Cherry67

When we get let go from our job, we first think, now what? We feel lost and as if we have no purpose now. Why get up early? Why go out, we fall into a depression, a slump. But this only makes us feel bad. So in order to feel good, we must remain, productive. Here are some things you can do to make yourself useful while you are out of work.

Step 1

First thing first. If you don't have an updated resume, now is the time to update it. After doing that, start sending it out. This alone can take up half a day or more. In doing this, you have made a first step towards a goal to getting another job.

Step 2

Make calls. Keeping in touch with people from your last job can be good in the long run. Remaining friendly with people in the work force can be to your benefit. They can help you with resources, agencies, people who may know of something. It can never hurt to try. Getting the word out is another step towards moving forward.

Step 3

Begin making a list of all the things you would like to take care of regarding dentist, the gyn, doctor, ear and eye exams. Your insurance will probably last up to a month or maybe a bit more so, while you are insured, take care of all those appointments NOW.

Step 4

Start making another list regarding things you need to take care of around the house. Maybe it's fixing that broken door or painting the chair or putting up new curtains. Maybe it's emptying the draws or throwing out stuff from the junk draws. There is always something to do around the house, always.

Step 5

Visit the museum. usually, on week ends people get so tied up with running errands and stuff they do not have time to make time for things that are enjoyable or cultural. If you like or love the museum, go, go now while you can. Take in a bit of culture, even for a few hours. Notice how you feel, almost as if your soul has been lifted and renewed.

Step 6

Volunteer. There are many places you can feel productive in. Shelters, nursing homes, places like botanical gardens, they are always looking for volunteer work. make yourself useful and it just brings good feelings as well after helping people.

Step 7

Take up a class or a course. Whether it be writing , singing, acting or dancing. When we surround ourselves with people who are motivated, upbeat and creative, we feel good and we enjoy.

Step 8

Go on interviews. Even if it's an agency, at least you know you are trying. Getting dressed up and meeting with people can never hurt. Your chances become greater when you put yourself out there. For every 5 no' s there is bound to be a yes!

Step 9

Spend wisely. If you left your recent job with a bonus vacation pay or severance, be wise. This will go fast so make sure you are not spending it like a drunken sailor.

Step 10

Keep company with people who make you laugh and feel good. Steer clear from people who bring you down and make you feel bad about yourself.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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