Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Component 4 of Career Management - Appearance

By : Robert Joe Wallace

When it comes to career management, eight components will make or break your career. These components consist of whom you know, what you know, congeniality, appearance, punctuality, attendance, attitude, and performance. These components of career management are crucial to your career. This article discusses the fourth component appearance.

Appearance is How People Perceive You

Appearance has more than one meaning. Most people think appearance means how you look. While this is true, it also has another meaning. Appearance can mean how you are perceived and this is the more important aspect of the definition.

The first thing people see is how you dress and your physical attributes. Wearing clothes that fit you and compliment your style will bring you compliments and the positive reaction you seek. You can buy the best of clothes and not wear them properly or get the wrong size and your positive reaction is shot.

When it comes to appearance, the saying dress for success is a fact. Very few people who do not dress properly for their size and the type of work they are performing ever get promoted. People who dress properly will have a better positive reception and thus have an advantage over people who do not dress properly.

Basic rules of dressing for success...

Wear clothes that fit your size -

* Wearing clothes too small or too large will not get the reaction you want. Clothes too small, too short, or too tight will have people talking about you in a negative way, behind your back. This negative perception will interfere with your goals.
* Wearing clothes too large will make you look slouchy. Looking slouchy, give the impression you do not care about yourself or your job. Having the perception you do not care will be a negative you don't want.

Don't over-dress

By this I mean, don't dress better than your boss. Wear clothes similar to your co-workers. If you dress formal (a business suit) and your boss wears business casual, you will stick out like a sore thumb. You will probably be ridiculed and won't even know it. Dress no better than the next level up.

Don't under dress

By this I mean dress better than or equal to you co-workers but not better than your boss. You want to be seen as professional. Dressing slightly above your co-workers will give the visual appearance you are ready for the promotion when your co-workers are not.

When you have dressed appropriately for success, you are on the path to success. Once your physical appearance matches the image you want to portray, the next step is to set up a perceived appearance. To advance your perception appearance, you must give out an attitude of positivity. In other words, smile and be happy. A positive attitude goes a long way in any business.

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