Thursday, July 8, 2010

10 Ways to Beat the Recession Blues

Whether you’re unemployed or looking for a career change in a bleak job market, it can be hard to keep a positive attitude about your future prospects, but remaining upbeat can actually increase your chances at success by helping you to stay motivated and behave more confidently on interviews.

Here are ten tips to help you keep your chin up:

1. Stay away from bad economic news. While it can be helpful to understand the state of the industry you are looking for work in, riding the emotional rollercoaster of national unemployment statistics can be exhausting. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the current economic climate, tune it out! Positive attitude may help you find a job quicker.

2. Make a plan. Setting goals and scheduling your time can help you to feel more in control of your situation and get more accomplished. Re-evaluate your strategy periodically. What’s working? What’s not? Look for more ideas for tackling unemployment in the newspaper, on job boards, and from blogs like this one.

3. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members. It can be next to impossible to completely avoid the naysayers in your life, but make an effort to be around people who are upbeat and encouraging. If a loved one starts to get negative, turn the topic away from your employment status. Learn how to support your spouse during their job search.

4. Volunteer your time. The job hunt can be a monotonous and lonely experience. Change it up and meet others by pitching in at a local non-profit. As a bonus, this can be a free way to add to your skill set and an opportunity for networking. Should you consider a volunteer position when unemployed and looking for work?

5. Eat foods high in nutrients. Our bodies need vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, and, yes, even fat in order to work at full capacity. Help your body to cope with stress by avoiding sugary foods or those with limited nutritional value. Instead, snack on fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Best Superfoods for Stress Relief

6. Exercise! Physical activity triggers the body to release chemicals called endorphins which create a positive feeling known as “runner’s high” and can help improve your outlook on life. Also, being fit can increase your self-esteem and confidence, both valuable assets for the interview process.

7. Get some sun. If you’re unemployed, there’s no reason you should be chained to a desk for 8 hours a day! Take your laptop outside, or use your break to go on a nice walk. Exposure to the sun boosts serotonin, another mood-improving chemical.

8. Shower and get dressed for “work.” For the first few days of unemployment, it may be nice to sleep in and spend the day lounging in your pajamas, but over time, this behavior can make you feel lethargic and unmotivated. Get up early and be prepared to start your day at 9 am. Treat the search for employment like your new (temporary!) job.

9. Don’t take it personally. Rejection is just a part of the job search. Instead focus on the positive. Did you get called in for an interview? That means your resume and cover letter are working! Even if you ultimately didn’t get the job, you’ll have more practice under your belt for next time.

10. Forgive yourself. Who hasn’t forgotten to attach their resume to an email or gotten lost on the way to an important interview? We all make mistakes now and then, and it’s impossible to remain upbeat 100% of the time. Allow yourself to feel sad or angry, but then move on to seize the next opportunity!

author-juliana-weiss-roesslerAbout the Author: Juliana Weiss-Roessler has ten years of writing and editing experience. Most recently, she worked as a writer for the website of Cesar Millan, TV’s Dog Whisperer, and as an editor for the geek girl e-zine

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