Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Get Paid More at Your Job

By : Brooke Loren

In today's economy, many people are out of work. Those that are employed may not be getting the salary that they wish. If you would like to earn a higher salary, you might have to negotiate for it. There is the right way to negotiate for a higher salary, and the wrong way to try to get paid more.

The Right Way to Get Paid More

1. Be a more productive employee. A business is more likely to pay you more if you are making a profit for the business. If you are responsible for bringing in more clients, saving the company money, or increasing consumer interest in the company, that will put you in a better position for getting a raise. Taking on more responsibility is also a way to become a productive employee. Bring up your strengths and how your efforts have benefited the company when you ask for a raise.

2. Find out what other people are being paid. Before you ask for a raise, find out what other people in your area are being paid. Right now, many people have taken pay cuts; if you are currently being paid more than the average salary in your area, it may be more difficult for you to ask for a raise, unless you have been contributing more to the bottom line of a company than the average worker.

3. Consider negotiating for benefits. Not every company is going to be able to grant a raise, but they might be able to grant benefits. They might be able to offer flexible work hours, vacation time, or a chance to telecommute. Maybe they would be able to send you to a work-related convention or to a conference, where you could enjoy a little vacation time and benefit the company at the same time.

4. Be professional. Approach your boss at a convenient time. Even better, approach your boss at a convenient time right after you have completed a big project and have been putting extra effort into the company.

How Not to Ask for a Raise

1. Don't Focus on Yourself. While your boss might care if you have a new baby on the way or saw an increase in your rent payment, that's not a reason for your boss to give you a raise.

2. Don't ask for a raise when the company is struggling. If you know that the company is having difficulty making payroll or is losing money, it is not the time to ask for a raise. Not only will you probably not get the raise, but your company might also question your judgement. Do your best on the job and see if you can make or save the company money so they can start being profitable again first.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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