Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Job Search Mistakes

* Displaying a negative attitude following bad experiences with a previous employer.
* Not taking action...lots of people get sent application forms and never get round to
completing them. Some people don't think of calling agencies back in the hope that they will
call them, remember; successful people make things happen rather than waiting for things
to happen.
* Not showing total commitment towards your job search. Set yourself specific times / days
dedicated for your job search – looking for a job is a big enough job in itself.
* Becoming disheartened following rejection. 99% of us will have been turned down for a job.
Don't let this get you down and don't think you are applying for jobs out of your reach. If
possible, don't put all your eggs in one basket - apply for a few jobs and keep your options
* Thinking you're too old for the position. This is not true - most companies are actively
seeking mature, experienced staff.
* Not preparing properly for an interview. Use our interview questions and answers to start
thinking of what to expect when being interviewed - there's nothing worse than looking
unprepared / uninterested.
* Not addressing letters / applications to the correct person. Before posting your application / CV
/ covering letter, check that you don't need to address it to a specific person / department. Quite
often, candidates will send a letter starting, "Dear Sir / Madam", when in fact, it should be
addressed to a particular person.
* Limiting your job search to 100% online. Many people tend to stick with using well known job
sites - try looking in your local yellow pages for recruitment companies in your area. Not every
company will have a website, and those who do, may be hard to find on search engines.
* Not following up after an interview. Not many people send thank you letters so stand out from
the crowd by sending one.
* Not returning calls. Surprisingly, many people provide a recruiter with a number to call them on
but will not always be available when someone does actually call - don't let this happen. Either
make sure someone is around to take your call or check your answer phone messages
* Underselling skills / experience on a CV. Obviously, this is where we can help using our
expertise but feel free to use our advice on how to write a CV or common CV writing mistakes
for some free guides.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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