Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Moving Up the Work Ladder - Earned Or Entitled?

By : Amy Chastek

The old adage is true, hard work will win you rewards. It does not matter if you work in fast food, a factory or an executive office; at the end of the day it is hard work that will propel you forward and open doors of opportunity. There is something to be said for earning a reward through hard work, it has more meaning and a deep sense of satisfaction that cannot be achieved by merely being handed it.

So often there is a sense of entitlement that comes from people in all aspects of our lives. Our kids think they are entitled to everything that the "other" kids have. Often people around us at work or in our personal lives feel entitled to opportunities even though they may not have taken the steps or made the accomplishments to have earned them. The pride that comes with earning your own success is priceless. As you work through your careers, I challenge you to be the earner.

BE the EARNER. An Earner:

• Volunteers to take on additional responsibilities; seizing opportunities presented to them
• Is willing to stay late and go the extra mile
• Is always driven to achieve and enjoys it
• Continually seeks feedback from others, in continuous improvement mode
• Thinks ahead and plans for many scenarios
• Is dependable and gets the job done
• Looks at every situation with positive energy and a positive attitude
• Is thought of as a professional
• Is the go to guru and if they do not know the answer, they take the time to help figure it out
• Is always learning formally, informally and from those around them
• Is active and engaged with their co-workers, managers and their community
• Is an attentive and active listener
• Exudes confidence and an optimism
• Realizes that every single thing is better accomplished with a team
• Surrounds themselves with positive, driven and engaged people

The earner mentality will serve you well if you live it. You will be easily recognized as a natural leader and someone who will impact the organizational culture, bottom line and success. Earners easily climb corporate, social and educational ladders. Those who feel entitled will often say phrases like, "I have been here longer and deserve it" or use the term "favorite" to describe the earners around them. Regardless of longevity if you are just meeting the status quo or "doing your job", you are not positioning yourself to move forward. You must go beyond the call of duty and change those habits, attitudes and barriers that are holding you back. A person with an entitled sense of self can become an earner with some simple changes but it all starts with motivation. You cannot just see yourself as a successful person, you have to work for it.

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