Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4 Job Interview tips for college graduates

by Peter L. Bosch

The job interview is a very stressful event after graduating college because you are looking to get your chosen career off to a good start. With so much at stake, it is only natural for you to want to be prepared for the big event and the web has many different tips and strategies to help you do that. You probably already know about shining those shoes, looking confident and avoiding the word um. These are not five tips you will read elsewhere and are meant to put the finishing touches on your preparation. So while it is important to read up on how your weakest strength is fixing copiers, unless of course you are applying to be a copier technician, these tips will help give you that extra edge.

1. Let the interviewer talk. It is by all means your show and it is your job to sell yourself. However, as the archaic adage goes, you have two ears and one mouth. It is probably not possible to listen twice as much as you will talk, nor wise, however you should practice listening after you are done talking. Simply, do not ever, ever interject yourself while the interviewer is speaking. If there is a point you would like to make, wait until the speaker is completely done. A key spot to shine your listening skills is during the phase of, Do you have any questions? Have some questions ready for this inevitable part of the interview. Remember that the interviewer, like most people in life, will grow a little weary of listening to you babble.

2. Observe your environment. Like someone who is about to get into a major fight in a strange room, you should know where the weapons are. You never know when something in that room comes in handy. Bringing up an item in the room casts a spell over the interviewer for a second like a magic trick. Why yes, we made all sorts of office gadgets, but our best selling items were lettered bookends like those J shaped ones on your shelves. Interviewer mentions success and you casually say, I like to think that the key to success is teamwork, much like the Yankees, whose program signed by Jeter I was admiring on your wall. Bam! You are not only observant, but taking an interest in the person. This works especially well if you are being interviewed in an office as opposed to a common conference room.

3. Use hand deodorant. If you forgot to use deodorant on your armpits before the job interview then you got problems. I am not talking about just putting the deodorant on your armpits though; I am talking about putting some on your palms. It gives you a nice, dry handshake which makes you seem cool as a cucumber.

4. Be nice to the receptionist. Whether it is the receptionist or the assistant, be nice to the person on the front-line. The person on the front-line is whoever you have to announce your presence to in order to gain entrance to the interview. Chances are you will spend a few minutes with that person, especially if you arrive fifteen minutes early like it is recommended. You never know if the interviewer will ask this person their impression of you in passing. Also, you never know what valuable information this person will reveal to you in a casual conversation. I found out about my future boss being hoarse from a protest, giving me valuable information about the mindset of the person.

5. Forget it. Do not forget about the job, but do forget a pen or another item. OK, be careful sharing this one or this nice leg up will result in it being common place knowledge where it becomes cheesier than the thank you for the interview letter you have to write now because of some butt kisser who wanted a leg up. Plus, if this gets out, then you look lame leaving your pen behind. Do not let the fact that this tip is on the web scare you. Hey, you've read Peter Bosch. If that happens, stand proud and say, Darn right, the man is a fine writer and a genius. This will result in you showing that you have great taste and you will get the job on the spot and then...and then...and then we all wake up.

The reason you forget something is because it gives you a chance to get back into that environment in a less formal setting and a chance to make your face more memorable. Even if you do not encounter the interviewer, it is a chance to just make your presence felt with the staff. Leave a classy, semi-expensive pen to show you do have class. I say semi-expensive because my friend has yet to forgive me for losing his pen and not getting the job anyway. Perhaps putting your initials on the pen or leaving something bigger would make them call you back. This is a risky tip, but it can work and it is an original way to steal some pretty face time. On a personal note, I did see my interviewer when I went back and he jokingly said, You again. I told him I could not bear to wait so I was going to sleep on his couch which got him laughing before finally telling him that I got a call about retrieving my umbrella.

I hope these tips help. In a cluttered job market, these tips might give you that slight edge you will need. If you are applying to be a VP or a dog walker, the market is just plain crowded. I am not looking down on dog walkers, but I used the profession as an example because my dog walker just got undercut by a newcomer. I was going to replace her but then she came back to get her forgotten leash and I changed my mind. Smart girl.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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