Friday, July 30, 2010

Science Jobs - Opportunities and Challenges

By : Patricia Carrascosa

Science professionals face circumstances that are somewhat different to others'. Usually there are more jobs in Science available per person if compared, for example, to humanities. This represents an advantage for scientists because it implies that they have more employment options at any time and that they have less competition from other candidates wanting the same job.

In general, jobs in science are well paid; salaries and benefits are above the average, and in some scientific fields, companies are willing to offer additional benefits just to attract potential applicants. This is also occasioned by the small number of scientists specialized in a particular area versus the high demand of such professionals.

Obviously, the great salaries and additional benefits represent a positive aspect for science professionals, after all, nobody would complain about it. However, the shortage of scientists also represents a problem for countries and, to some extent, to companies.

For countries, recruiting foreign scientists is only a partial solution; they need a long-term solution. The ideal of a high skill science and innovation economy is going to fall if the U.S. cannot manage to find a permanent solution to attract young people to science.

For companies, the shortage of scientists implies that they also have less suitable candidates to choose from (as much as this is good for candidates), so they could end up hiring professionals that don't comply with all the requirements if they really need to hire someone for the position right away. This shortages are notable for biochemistry jobs, biomedical jobs, genetics jobs, and many others.

An additional reflection has to be made; if the science jobs are well-paid, prestigious and easier to get (when compared to others), why is it so hard to attract young people to sciences? Is it a profession that seems unattractive, or boring?

The perception that sciences are much more complex and difficult than any other discipline is part of the problem. Of course that the scientific community and the society should feel proud about their scientific discoveries, but the idea that all scientists are brighter than any other professional is discouraging to "outsiders", who end up thinking that, if science is much more difficult than anything else, then that's not "their thing".

Another important issue is that, for the most part, the scientific community is not reflecting American society as it is in the 21st century; there are still few women and people from ethnic minorities if compared to any other profession. The idea that "sciences" are for men and "humanities" are for women is still somehow prevalent.

In general, a change of perceptions is necessary to attract more people to science jobs. It will take some time, but it is the only way to find a long-term solution. The country cannot afford to overlook the importance of science for the economy, so designing effective policies to promote science should be a top priority for these years and the years to come.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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