Thursday, July 1, 2010

How to Make Effective Presentations at Work

By : Cinda Roth

A great presentation can be the most effective way to sell your idea, information, product and yourself. Here is how to plan, organize, and deliver an effective presentation.

Step 1

First prepare the presentation carefully. Identify and organize you key points. evelop and assemble visual aids that will emphasize the point such as charts or photographs. Then rehearse the presentation so that you are confident that you covered all the key points, sound professional, and are as concise as possible. Next repeat the rehearsal, except this time record it and look at it to assess and monitor your facial empressions, tone, and body language. Try to identify all the potential questions and objections so that you can plan accordingly.

Step 2

Now go back as revise the presentation with your audience in mind. Think about what their interests and perspectives are. Use their jobs, responsibilities, goals, etc. in your examples and try to answer the question they will invariably have "Why should I pay attention to this- what is in it for me."

Step 3

Now as you are presenting watch your audience. Look at their facial expressions, body language, and eyes. You may want to modify the presentation as you go, or suggest a stretch brek if they seem to be loosing interest in what you have to say.

Step 4

Now also as you are presenting be concious of your own tone, body language, and facial expressions. If you appear uncertain the audience will naturally not trust you.

Step 5

Now conclude on a positive note. Summarize your key points, use a graphic or example to highlight your conclusion and remind them of the why and the what of your topic. Encourage questions and feedback.

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