Monday, June 28, 2010

You are the office? The following 5 Biggest Mistakes Employees In Office

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Each person would have to perform your best at work, both in physical appearance or performance. You are required to do anything for the company's success. But even if you think that you are the person who most needed in the office, a little carelessness can hinder your progress. You do not believe me? Let's see some mistakes that are often performed in an office employee the following:

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Making Facebook as a means of communication
First, email and instant messenger becomes your mainstay communications tools. When we need to submit a report to colleagues, clients, or supervisors who were outside the office, we can send it via email. Now, because many phones already have a Facebook application, you also send meeting invitations to colleagues office through the Wall or Inbox. C'mon, not everyone has enough time to go through Facebook during working hours. Your message could not be read recipients.

You continue to crouch inside the cubicle
Do not think that by staring at your computer screen constantly makes you seen as a model employee. Out of the cubicle to join your colleagues in the pantry or in the smoking room can also improve the work and build solidarity. Laughing at a workload that must be borne to strengthen ties among employees, improve your communication and performance, according to one study from the University of Missouri at Columbia,.

On the other hand, you can also you know, make your cubicle as the "headquarters" staff. Put all kinds of snack (healthy of course!), So your colleagues will be happy to hang out at your place. You will hear so much "gossip" about the state office from here.

Become a source of disease in the office
Agency fever, runny nose kept out of your nose, sneezing and coughing? Anyway, just rest at home. Forced into work when you can create a spreader virus disease outbreaks in the office. Do you know, according to the research of University of Arizona in Tucson, the average desk has 400 times more bacteria on a toilet seat than office buildings? After all, your boss will be annoyed when dealing with subordinates who looked sluggish and lacking concentration.

Wearing too much perfume
However, the fragrant smell is more pleasant than the smell of sweat. But if each day must inhale the fragrant scent too, of course will interfere as well. According to the Job Accommodation Network in Morgantown, West Virginia, more and more office workers grievances resulting from the use of perfume. Part of people, perfume can exacerbate migraine and trigger asthma attacks. Not to mention a small disturbance such as sneeze. Fragrant citrus or flowers that light is more advisable to conditions in the office.

Busy yourself when meeting
You know, the scenery is often the case today? Instead of listening to your boss when the meeting rambling, it's better to tamper Blackberry. According to Liz Bywater, PhD, a career consultant in Yardley, Pennsylvania, doing activities like this will keep you out of the topic being discussed. In addition, you show the other fellow that you do not care about these meetings.

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