Tuesday, June 22, 2010

5 Hints That You Should Start Looking For A New Job

By : Tony Jacowski

If you feel that you produce top-notch, quality work, but your efforts have gone unnoticed, then it could be a signal that it is time to move on. Before deciding to do so, make certain that you have given the employer sufficient time to analyze your efforts.

Don't make snap judgments - because if you do, you might only end up regretting them in the long run.

1. Lack of Communication

Sometimes making an effort to bridge the communication gap will resolve the conflict and sometimes not. Make sure you are keeping the lines of communication open and that your work expectations match your skills and abilities.

If, after you have put your best foot forward, your calls still go unanswered, then grab your resume and hit the pavement. There are many ways that you can go about your job search, and you will need to find out which method is the most effective for you.

Don't let the negativity of your present job affect you search for a new one. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Get out there and be positive!

2. Down And Out

Have you recently been asked to move to a different or perhaps a more low profile location in the office? If so, heed this warning! Your next step could be out the door. You must start making preparations immediately or face the consequences. Update your resume immediately and begin your search.

It is not wise to wait for your pink slip to start making changes.

3. Name Dropping

The biggest hint that you may soon be an employment casualty is if your supervisor either forgets your name or calls you by someone else's name.

No matter how large an office may be, a great boss does not forget the names of their valuable employees!

4. Sidelined from Conferences

Once you become expendable, you might be excluded from events that you were previously a part of.

By taking you out of the loop in this manner, they are sending a clear message that you are not welcome at corporate affairs, and they do not want to keep you abreast of new developments.

5. Your Position Is Posted

No one wants to open the morning paper and find that their position has been advertised. Even if the job title is not the same, a listing for one of similar qualities or of the same basic description is a bad sign.

This should immediately grab your attention and put you into action.

You Become a Gossip Target

When you become the topic of office gossip, you need to be on the alert. It could be that your coworkers know or have heard something that you have not.

Dissension among the ranks happens rather quickly - and you could find yourself on the outside of the circle very soon.

By heeding the signs above, you will be able to take action and avert certain career disaster before it happens.

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