Friday, June 25, 2010

How To Secure The Job You Really Want

Whether you're looking for employment as an actress or an agronomist, a travel agent or a trader on the New York Stock exchange, there are some key strategies you can employ in order to secure the job you really want. The most important thing to remember, however, is that chances are you will not be able to attain your ideal position immediately. It will take some time and a great deal of initiative on your part. However, the good news is that the right job is within your reach if you're willing to do some homework first.

Determining your desires

First of all, you need to identify what you're looking for, as far as an ideal job is concerned. What kind of field would you like to work in? Would you feel claustrophobic working in an office, or does office work provide the kind of security you wish for? Are you looking for a nine-to-five job, or something with more flexible hours? Do you wish to work closely with other people, or do you prefer working alone? Believe it or not, some people embark upon a job search without really knowing what they want. If your expectations are clear, you are more likely to find the job of your dreams.

Obtaining credentials

Once you are clear about the kind of job you are looking for, you need to make sure that you have the appropriate credentials. Do you have the educational background needed for the kind of work you're pursuing? Do you have sufficient experience? In order to find the answers to these questions, you might want to consult someone who already holds the kind of job you desire. Learning how that individual landed the job could help you immensely in your own job search.

Selling yourself

Winning the job of your dreams requires the ability to sell yourself effectively. In essence, you must know how to market yourself appropriately. This means writing cover letters that specifically address the qualifications sought in a want ad. You want to be able to convince your prospective employer that you could not only do the job, but that you could do the job better than anyone else. In addition, you might want to prepare targeted resumes that address some of the specific areas mentioned in a job posting.

When you go out on a face-to-face job interview, you need to project an air of confidence. Answer the interviewer's questions in a manner that puts your qualifications in the best possible light. Also, be sure to show some enthusiasm for the company that you're interviewing with. You want to promote the idea that you could become an essential member of the company team. You might also want to prepare a list of questions ahead of time, since chances are the interviewer will want to know if you have any questions about the position. Such questions will show that you are truly interested in the job.

Finally, make sure you have a strong list of references. Stellar recommendations from your references can greatly increase your chances of securing the desired position. Employers are most likely to hire those individuals who have impressed previous bosses.

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