Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Guide To Effective Resume Writing

By : Uchenna Ani-Okoye

Everyone - with or without a resume - is looking for this key: A professionally written resume, a sales presentation of their qualifications and experience that will get the job for them - the job they want. The job hunters are wound up in their own specialties and problems. They don't know how, and they don't have the time - AND they're willing to pay you to put it all together for them. Just as you're willing to pay a doctor, dentist or investment broker, those who need a resume are willing to pay you for this service. The market exists in every city and town in this country, and the demand for this service is growing daily. Your opportunity for success beyond your fondest dreams has never been greater! The brass ring is here! Grab it, and hold on!

You'll need a modern, professional quality typewriter. You can begin, and perhaps get by for a month or so, with a top quality portable, but do yourself and your business a favour: Arrange to rent, lease or buy on monthly payments if necessary, the best machine for the quality of work that will command top dollars for you.

Setting up and operating from your own home will be the most economical way to begin. In addition to your typewriter, you should have a typewriter stand, typist's chair, adjustable long-arm lamp, and a file cabinet. However, just as you can make do with a portable typewriter for a month or so, you can get by for starters with a kitchen chair at your dining room table.

To prepare yourself properly, invest in a good book on how to write 'job-winning' resumes. Select a book which discusses both the cover letter and the format of the body of the resume.

The most important part of any resume package is the cover letter the applicant sends as part of the resume. This letter states the specific job the applicant is applying for, explains why he believes he is qualified, and pointedly asks for an interview. In most cases, you'll be able to provide an "all-purpose form letter" which your client can adapt to any position that interests him. More will be covered later about actual writing of the resume and the cover letter.

The format and style of the body of the resume are the items you want to learn from your book. Resumes of today generally follow this outline:

1. Name
2. Address
3. City, state, zip.
4. Phone Number
5. Type of job or position wanted
6. Goals and/or desires in life
7. Job history, starting with current or last job held
8. Special courses, education or training completed
9. Military History
10.Formal Education
11.Activities while attending school: athletics, offices, awards
12.Hobbies and special interests
13.Notation that names of business and personal references will be
furnished on request.
14. Availability
15. Health

Once you're organized with space and equipment, you're ready for business. All that's necessary from this point on will be advertising, client interview, and producing the final product.

Your advertising needs, in comparison with many other businesses, need not cost you an exorbitant amount of money. It should, however, be consistent and eye-catching.

You should contact your area's most widely read newspaper and arrange to run a one-column by one inch ad every day for the next six to twelve months. By purchasing your ad space on a daily insertion basis, and over at least a six month period, your rate will be much lower than the rate charged for shorter contracts.

Your newspaper ad might read something like this:

A Complete, Professional Service
Midwest resumes service

Resumes - Letters - Portfolios
...that results in jobs!

Phone 123-4567

Aside from an ad in the newspaper, and perhaps a similar one in your area shoppers' papers, the only other advertising efforts you should worry about are those that don't cost money - free bulletin board announcements, radio and television talk show interviews, and low cost flyers, circulars or brochures that describe your services.

One method of gaining business exposure which is most often overlooked is the radio and television talk show interview. Call the broadcast stations in your area and get the names of the producers of these talk shows. Then write them a letter explaining your services, and how you believe an appearance on their program could be educational and beneficial to their audiences. Include a brochure with your letter. A couple of days after you're sure they've received your letter, give them a call on the phone, and ask them to consider an interview with you.

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