Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to Improve Your Marketability in the Job Market With Student Experience

By : Steve Volman

One way that youngsters can improve their marketability before they look for their first formal job is to take on student work experience projects that can teach them the skills they will need to quickly adapt to a demanding working environment.

Here are some ways that youngsters can use student work experience to improve their marketability in today's job market that demonstrate this point:

Students can explore different career paths by taking on summer jobs with firms that feature practical working experience. These jobs are very valuable to students because they allow students to explore several career paths at once. This is the case because students who take on these jobs learn valuable insights about different careers that can make it easier for them to choose a career that is right for them. As a result, students who are having difficulty deciding what they'd like to do for a living can use summer employment as a stepping stone for a meaningful career path that's right for them.

Many students can benefit from learning time management skills by taking on a summer internship with a local firm. This is true because most businesses who hire interns insist that they finish projects on time just like everyone else. This experience can be invaluable to someone just starting out in the working world because it helps youngsters learn valuable time management skills that will make easier for them to adjust to the demands of a deadline-driven working environment.

Many students can also benefit from learning how to develop patience and perseverance by working with children in local youth projects. This is the case because children can teach young adults how to become more tolerant of mistakes and unique personalities by working together cleaning up parks or painting murals. These skills are important in today's job market because most employers value employees who have the emotional maturity to handle setbacks and stress calmly and rationally.

In addition, students can learn how to develop interpersonal skills by doing charity work with disadvantaged people. Working with disadvantaged people can help students learn how to develop vital interpersonal skills because it teaches students how to interact with people of different genders, educational backgrounds and social-economic backgrounds. These skills are vital in today's workforce because most employers tend to look for young people who have the maturity to work smoothly with people of all sorts of backgrounds.

Finally, students can also gain valuable references for job applications by working as an intern or a volunteer. This is the case because many firms are happy to provide recommendations to students who've taken the time to work with them on valuable projects. These references are valuable to young people looking for their first job because it can help establish a youngster's reputation as a good worker early on.

As you can see, students can gain valuable job skills and references by utilizing work experience programs before they look for their first "real" jobs. As a result, students who feel that they need relevant working experience placements before they enter the job market should consider asking their local school guidance counselor for more information about local student experience programs.

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