Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Warning - Remove the Blindfold Before Starting an Information Technology Career

By : Andres Vilallva

It might surprise you to learn that Information Technology does not describe any particular technology field. It is a broad description that encompasses hundreds of different fields dealing with the digital storage, communication and processing of information.

Although these fields fall under the same banner of 'Information Technology' they do not necessarily have transferable skill sets. And this observation becomes significant when deciding on an Information Technology career path. Whilst entry level careers branch out into dozens of alternate paths, vertical movement between certain paths is unlikely without starting again.

Take the fields of Web Developer and Telecommunications specialist as an example. One field fall within the 'software developer' category and the other falls within the 'network' category but both fields fall comfortably within the all encompassing Information Technology career banner. Even the most experienced Web Developer would struggle to transition into a Telecommunication Specialist role because the knowledge and skills held by a Web Developer are, for the most part, not applicable to Telecommunications.

This is why entry level Information Technology career choices can be so important. Career options branch into many different directions as experience levels increase, but they are always limited by the scope of knowledge within each field. This means that if an IT student or IT graduate has a career goal in mind they should be mindful of the different paths that may lead to the objective.

Although the Information Technology industry as a whole has a prosperous future, IT students or IT graduates who wish to take advantage of emerging technologies should position their careers appropriately. Emerging technologies are a great way to fast forward a developing career because any skills shortages means less experienced candidates are given opportunities that they may have not otherwise received.

The IT industry is rife with examples of emerging technologies and skills shortages. For the record, we feel that IPV6, Unix (due to the Unix millennium bug in 2038), HTML5 and Security are emerging fields (or fields with significant potential for growth in the case of Unix and Security) to watch for in the medium to long-term future.

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