Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Old Job Seekers, Worry No More!

By : Connor R Sullivan

As you near later years of life, your worries reach a new height. As soon as you hit the age of 60 or above, you begin to worry about your home insurance and commercial insurance, plus a series of different worries associated with your finances. At times like these, losing your job or being laid off may elevate your stress to a higher level. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, people aged 65 or more remain out of work 70% longer than any teenager. The statistics may trouble you even further. However, there is still a lot you can do to keep yourself employed even though you are old.

Even though you might find age discrimination in most areas, nobody can deny the fact that you are experienced. Most employers will value employees who are experienced and know the business well. Usually, an older person will have more wisdom and common sense than a young professional. All this will make you feel positive about yourself, and would value you among the other workers.

Take a step back in time when you applied for your first job. What was the first thing you got it all started from? Yes, it was your résumé. Now, come back from the flashback and look at your résumé again. You need to modify your résumé so that you are compatible with other workers. The key is to add your latest experience. Avoid using graduation dates with your college degrees. This will only indicate how old you are. What you need to do is simply add the years spent in each employment, instead of the dates.

While you are creating your résumé again, avoid using titles that give an impression of you being overqualified. Mentioning titles such as "Vice President" will give an impression of you being too demanding when it comes to your pay scale. Instead of "Vice President", you can mention "Senior Manager".

Next, it is about your potentials. You must keep upgrading your skills with the progression in technology. The use of computers and the Internet must not be a hard task for you. Keeping your skills in line with other young workers can ensure you a job. Similarly, entering yourself in different training courses can make you highly compatible with young workers. There are many training schools that will help you in upgrading your knowledge about your profession. Mention all such courses you attended in your résumé. This will prove the potential ambition you have in you, and this will surely impress the employers.

Finally, networking is very important; it is the best way to find a job. In early years of building your career, you might have seen the power of business networking. You have to turn back the time, and get started again. You will have older group of friends, family and colleagues, and they will have relatively more contacts compared to a newbie. Get to know these people and they will surely find you a job suiting your capabilities and experience.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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