Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Big Issues in Training For Tomorrow's Australian Job Market

By : Andrew A Johnston

Training adds a lot of scope to professional potentials and multi skilling options for the diversified workplace of the future. Furthermore training mixed with internships or partnering with industry increases the students employment prospects tremendously.

The job market is being completely transformed by technology and new work practices. Tomorrow's professional will be a combination of businessperson, entrepreneur, and contractor. Advanced and modern business courses are creating new career options and multi stream, multi income base working possibilities.

Training for the job market

The new highly mobile job market is creating and reinventing job designs into forms of employment which require a spread of qualifications. Business management courses are a good example of broad spectrum training combined with absolutely essential career qualifications. These qualifications provide the correct mix of capabilities for employment as well as the prerequisites for degrees.

Training and career options

The best way to approach this job market is with clear career goals well matched to qualifications. A good understanding of training options and planned, integrated training is essential to make sure you achieve the right standards of qualification. You can use career goals as a navigational aid to your training, giving a clear set of stages for career development and qualifications.


Internships provide an excellent structured and professionally guided range of advanced skills and experience. A successfully completed internship is a stamp of approval from your profession. At the entry level or developmental stages in any profession, internships combined with qualifications act as extremely useful credentials for careeradvancement in your profession.

Training plans for the future

Planning your training gives major advantages for future professional development. Not only can you map a career path with your training, you can plan stages of qualification. The staged training approach also allows you to take advantage of new training opportunities. It's particularly useful for "career upgrade" training, because modern training is designed to be always up to date.

Training in multi disciplines

Multidisciplinary training is rapidly becoming an essential in the employment market. This type of training is particularly practical, because it allows integration of the disciplines into a meaningful relationship with each other and your work.

For example:

If you're working in business, you can do business marketing courses in conjunction with training and work in your industry. The business management course has a clear relationship with your industry training. The two areas of training and your job needs work together, and you'll find that your skills improve rapidly in both areas with the support of your trainers.

Training for your business

If you study business at any level of qualification in Australia, you'll soon see why this training is so vital, and so highly regarded. Whatever line of business you're in, whether it's cmarketing, hospitality, retail or high finance, this training is critically important. Business training can be used as a high value qualification in any profession, and is particularly useful for promotional purposes in all industries.

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