Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Adopt the Attitude of the Self-Employed

By : Julie Holmwood

We are all working for ourselves, whether it appears that way or not. We are all managing our own careers and most of us will work for a variety of companies during the course of our working life. So shouldn't we adopt the attitude of the self-employed rather than the employed? What do I mean by that;

* Take responsibility for your element of your job. Under-promise, over-deliver and try to go that extra step
* Remember that contracts are terminated at any time, no matter what they say on them (with the stated notice of course). That isn't to say that you should spend your time looking over your shoulder. Rather that you should act like someone that needs to put their best foot forward in order to remain on the payroll
* Avoid office politics and treat everyone with the same compassion, understanding and tolerance as you would your best friend. This one gets easier with practice
* Make a point of being happy for no reason whenever you are in the office or with clients. You will be a joy to be around, particularly to yourself. Happy people are an asset to everyone
* Behave as if your contract were renewed on a month-by-month basis and try to excel at something, add value somewhere, demonstrate additional competency to someone each and every month
* Know that your career is your business. You are not in the lap of the Gods or at the hands of some fate that your boss has decreed. You are free to look for a new job at any point, or to improve the one you have. Sometimes getting happy where you are is the very best advice. Even if you then look for a new role learning to be happy in the moment is a valuable tool that will enhance your life experience no end and it will improve your career success too
* Take responsibility for yourself, your decisions and your actions. Make yourself a promise to avoid excuses and reasons in your vocabulary. Yes the tube was slow this morning but you could have taken a bus; take responsibility for your decision to get the tube. Yes your client wanted to talk for longer on a certain subject but you could have scheduled the call for a time other than ten minutes before a meeting with your boss. Take responsibility for choosing that time to make that call. Get the idea?
* Differentiate between results and activity. Anyone can be busy, but has what you have done today, this week and this month added value to your company? Will they benefit as a result of your work?

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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