Friday, October 22, 2010

Super Qualified Candidate, But Will He Ever Land A Job?

By Jim Carlson

Job Vacancy, Employment Jobs, Employment

As a career counselor, career guidance professional, and HR professional who has hired or placed 1,250+ individuals, my source for many articles come from individual cases. (Yes, I've cleared this with the individual!)

I have the pleasure of a client relationship with a super talented professional who sought my guidance.

Some of the background this individual possesses includes:

  • Strong sales in commercial real estate. Super successful.
  • Strong manufacturing background, 10 years, director level, transferable knowledge to "green industry."
  • Seven US patents.
  • Ability to effectively communicate from "C" level to floor / line personnel.
  • Published contributor to industry specific magazines.
  • Speaker and panel member at industry specific conferences
  • Graduate of The University of _______. (My bias would show.)

His issue is this: He has a fear-of-failure to specify and target his next job. Rather, he wants to use the "shot-gun" approach and pick the position that sounds the most interesting.

Another fact, he has been on unemployment for ten months and those benefits cease at 12 months. He has been languishing in this murky-water of indecision for ten months and still does not have a position.

How many people do you know who fall into this morass of indecision? Using the crutch of unemployment seems to be exactly that, a crutch.

The decision has been difficult for him. After providing a no-holds-barred reality check, he listed three titles / positions that I called "visions or directions" to focus on. Out-of-work professionals must have specific vision or direction. If this is not defined, a person will not be able to focus on the goal of landing a job. The best of the best talented professionals can and will struggle without a vision.

How about you? Are you languishing with indecision? Wait, do you still have unemployment benefits?

If you need that "push" and that direction-set, seek a professional and invest the time to get on track.

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