Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to Tell If Your Job is in Jeopardy

By : Teddy Holz

Let us never forget that we too are but humble employees who may one day feel the breeze of a swinging ax. However, simple physics dictated that the ax cannot fall until it's been raised. And if you can see it being raised move your head before it falls.

The danger signs of possible termination are many. But these are the primary ones you want to look out for.

* Your subordinates have been receiving promotions and raises, you have not.
* Choice special projects are no longer given to you.
* Your opinion is being solicited less and less frequently.
* The company retains a management consultant who asks you detailed questions about your job responsibilities and specific activities... While this may be an attempt to improve productivity and efficiency, it could also be one way of gathering information to be passed on to your replacement.
* The corporation is forced to make across-the-board pay cuts, but a larger-than-average slice is taken out of your check.
* You are making more money than others doing similar work. Employees who are overpaid may be among the first to go during a business downturn. Rather than cut such a person's salary and end up with a disgruntled employee, many companies may opt to fire instead.
* Your desk is unusually clear because you're being given little new work to do. And the steady flow of interoffice memos directed to your attention inexplicably slows to a trickle.
* Your boss suddenly becomes overly critical of your work. Negative memos about your performance could be preparation for your firing. Or conversely, management stops being the least bit critical. You may not receive any constructive criticism because you aren't expected to be on the payroll long enough to benefit from it.

Taken individually, any one of these warning signs could easily be a false alarm. The time to sit up and take notice is when you see three or more of these scenarios occurring simultaneously.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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