Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How to Decide Which Career is Right For You

By : Noel Rozny

Whether you're a college freshman about to leave home for the first time or an experienced worker who just got laid off, deciding which career is right for you can be a daunting task. With so many to choose from, how do you know which career will be a good fit, which will bring you the most personal fulfillment, and which will allow you to pay the bills?

When you're choosing a career, it helps to think about a variety of factors, not just how much money you'll take home at the end of the day. Check out these top five 5 career decision-making factors:

Career Decision Factor #1:
What do you like to do?
This is probably the most important factor to consider, because if you don't like what you do, you could very possibly end up hating your job and quitting within a few years to do something else.

If you're feeling stumped about which job is right for you, consider your personal interests, passions, and hobbies and how you can turn one of them into a career. Do you love animals and science? A veterinary technician career might be perfect for you. Are you more of a people person with an eye for fashion? A career as a fashion buyer, fashion merchandiser, or sales rep might be the way to go. Make a list of your favorite things and use our career profiles page to find careers related to that interest.

Picking a career that plays to your natural talents and interests is key to long-term success. As H. Jackson Brown, Jr. said, "Find a job you like and you add five days to every week."

Career Decision Factor #2:
What industry is right for you?
Picking the right industry can be just as important as picking the right job. Different industries grow at different rates, and can therefore offer different opportunities for growth and advancement. Finding an industry that fits with your career needs can ensure your happiness at work, as well job security for the future.

Healthcare, for example, is an industry that is growing by leaps and bounds, and it's not just for nurses and doctors. Growing healthcare facilities are in need of communications specialists, computer technology experts, and human resources professionals, making it a good industry for a wide variety of career professionals.

Career Decision Factor #3:
What degree is right for you?
As you consider different career choices, you may also want to consider the educational and certification requirements that accompany different jobs. Think about how long you want to be in school, what you'd like to study, and how much you're willing to spend on your education. These factors can be a good guide in helping you find the right career.

Consider a career in medicine, for example. Maybe you've always dreamed of being a surgeon, but spending thousands of dollars (literally) and 11 (or more) years in school doesn't sound right for you. There are many other healthcare careers, from nursing to physician assistant to EMT, that will allow you to save lives without investing that level of time (or money.)

Career Decision Factor #4:
Where do you want to live?
Where you live can also affect your career. If you want to be a financial trader, for example, you're most likely going to need to live in a large city close to the markets. But if you want to be a social worker, you may actually have better luck finding employment in a more rural area.

Before you choose a career, think about where you want to live. Are you a city person or a country person? Do you want to live somewhere warm, or do you want to be close to your family? Once you have a good idea of where you want to live, do some research and find out which careers and industries offer opportunities in that state or region.

Career Decision Factor #5:
What kind of lifestyle do you want?
Different careers come with different levels of commitment and expectations. Doctors and lawyers, for example, may take home some serious paychecks, but they're also expected to work long, irregular hours and devote a majority of their lives to developing their practices.

Teachers, on the other hand, also have a lot on their plates, but are able to enjoy nights, weekends, holidays, and summers with friends and families.

Before you choose a career: think long and hard about what is most important to you. Do you care so much about your career that you're willing to sacrifice personal and family time for work? Would you prefer to have a less demanding career that allows you to travel, be at home with your children, and pursue other interests?

By finding the balance between work and personal life that's right for you, you'll be sure to start a career that keeps you fulfilled both in and out of the workplace.

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Become a Model at Age 15

By : Dermound Becker

If you wish to become a model at age 15 and are worried if it is the right age for you or not, you need not panic. Modeling is a field where you will find people from across the age groups depending on the requirement. In fact 15 could be the right age to enter the field of modeling. Surely, the industry is quite glamorous and has its own inherent appeal. However, one needs to first consider physical appearance and the ability to persevere if you wish to become a model at age 15. Here we shall discuss a few basic things you need to do in order to get into this industry.

Get yourself a list of modeling agencies. These agencies accept open calls and post date for the appointment. Apply to these agencies and visit the agency with your parents since you are under 18. The standard procedure is that they will ask you certain questions, make you do a small walk and a few more things. Try to give your best shot in terms of appearance as looks matter the most. An alternative could be to just hang out at some of the best hang out joints or events in the city. There are a few large agencies which hire a team of spotters to get hold of new fresh talent. To become a model at age 15, the best way to start is visit as many fashion events in your city as possible and make your presence felt.

There are a few agencies which consider 15 a good age to start. So all you need to do is send them two snapshots of yours, one showing the face and one showing your complete body in a bikini. This will give any agency a rough idea on whether or not they wish to take you up. If they decide to take you up, they will do a professional photo shoot for you themselves.

Now if you wish to become a model at age 15, it is important to see if your physical appearance matches the standard requirements since your body will not be fully developed at this age. You surely need to be thin and slim with a minimum height of 5 feet 8 inches. Good clear skin is also a requirement if you wish to become a model. However, if you wish to become a model at age 15, your skin might have some problems like acne and stuff at that age. You need to keep them in check by consulting a skin specialist.

Above all you need the right attitude to become a model at age 15 or for that matter at any age. Your attitude will decide what kind of people you will work with and what kind of projects you will be able to get. So, gear up yourself and start approaching these agencies with the right frame of mind. You will surely make it big in this industry.

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Turning a Job Into a Career

By : C M Johnson

There are some careers which you can move up from entry level employee to middle, upper middle, or even high income levels without a college degree. These paths are much more "personality" and "attitude" dependent than they are anything else, given that you're already a dependable, and hard worker.

What I mean is that they depend on a person having a likable personality, along with having the right kind of personality for sticking with this type of job long-term. These two characteristics combined with a very positive, hard-working, can do attitude and it may be a path for you.

Is it an easy path? By no means is this path easy. In life, we all face trade-offs. You didn't have to get an Associate, Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate Degree as a requirement, so you can bet you will pay for it in the way of long hours, hard physical work, and going to extreme lengths to prove yourself. This is the trade-off. You didn't have to first go get the formal education, but you will indeed have to work your butt off to advance into management, effectively and progressively moving into and through blue collar positions, finally arriving at a white collar management position.

Instead of the University, you traded years of hard work and sweat equity to gain the experience for the job. Having a degree first does help in this type of job, but normally, you are put through the ranks anyway. A degree may help you to rise to the highest levels of management in some such organizations however. Think about your career goals and outcomes you desire before entering this type of job so you choose the proper path, degreed or non-degreed.

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Physical Fitness Is Important For Electricians

By : Martin Hofschroer

People on electrical courses must ensure they are fully fit before they become a qualified tradesman.

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) have said that good physical fitness is crucial for electricians as some electrical work may be strenuous and require a degree of strength.

Electricians must also be confident with heights as they may find themselves working high up and having perfect colour version is also essential due to the variety of different coloured wires in the job.

Research by the Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA) has revealed that a significant number of their membership is keen to stay in shape during their working day by eating healthy food.

The ECA discovered that the most popular snack of choice during the working day was a piece of fruit with 30 per cent of electricians claiming that they like to get one of their five-a-day in while on the job.

British electricians favour tea as their favourite drink with 67 per cent claiming the cuppa as their top beverage while 18 per cent wanted instant coffee and a tiny one per cent were keen on herbal tea as their work time refreshment.

David Pollock, ECA Group CEO, said: "This change in snack choices reflects our electricians' interest in staying in shape. Everyone wants to be healthy today and electricians are no different.

"This can only be a positive thing, proving that our workforce is keeping with the times, not just in terms of their work."

The IET also advised that electricians must be practical by nature as the job requires them to be good with their hands and they must be able to use a variety of tools in order to do their work effectively.

Being methodical is an advantage because an electrician must be able to follow safety guidelines and procedures while they are also expected to be independent as many are self employed and will have to work on their own and unaccompanied.

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Welding For Profit Through Careers and Personal Work

By : Wili Hauselberg

If you are looking for a hands-on career that can give you a high paycheck in accommodation with seeing the results of your work, then check out how welding careers can benefit you.

The welding profession is a quality one to turn to if you are good with your hands, and are not afraid to get burned every now and again. Working as a welder can put you in a variety of locations and job sites, and can be a tough job both physically and mentally. If you are looking to become a welder then locating your local trade school, or welding establishment can help you get what you need to take the class and learn the skill.

Where to Go after School

After you have gone through the training and learned how to form proper welds, you can begin looking for either a job site in your local or relative area, or you can begin welding for friends and family who need something fixed on their home or business. Welding is a lucrative career that can provide a twenty plus dollar per hour paycheck based upon your skill level, so if you are looking to weld for profit, just look at getting as much work as you can and get your skill level up to a respectable degree.

After you have the training certification, and have gotten your feet wet in the field of welding, you can begin looking for a long time job or a more stable one in your local area. Welders are always needed at construction sites and at various job locations, so doing a little checking around to see what is available is a great way to get started. Jobs on these sites include structural welders as well as people working on welding Inspection. If you are looking to make the most profit for your time doing welds and welding, then you may have to outreach to an out of town job site, or even out of state. Some places need a welder much more than others, and will pay to suit their need, so make sure that you are comfortable doing the work you do for the paycheck you receive.

Welding Is a Great Way to Make a Living

Overall welding is a stable profession that allows a person to work hard and make good money. Getting a certification, working for friends, then working on a job site is just the basic plan for a welder to start their career, there are really endless possibilities after you get your certification to where or for who you want to weld for profit, the choice is all yours.

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Becoming an Animal Care Specialist

By : Darnell X Hardin

For people who like working with animals so much, animal care specialist will be a great profession that can be obtained. This is the correct profession that will allow people to take care and manage the animals in various settings. Since there is no specific job requirements and no official degree needed, there are many people find that obtaining this profession is easier.

To become an animal care specialist, there are some things that you must pay attention. You should also do some things to obtain the job. The first thing that you should do is to decide the environment where you want to work. You are allowed to work anywhere from the local pet store to the U.S. Army. In this case, you have to make sure that the environment comforts you so that you can do the job well. But, before applying the job, you should have certain skills that become the qualifications. Thus, you should learn the job qualification and the responsibility before you apply.

The second thing that you should do is to develop your skills. This will be very valuable in order to make you as a professional animal care specialist. Although your primary job deals with animals, you should make a good communication with others such as the owners of the animals, the people where you are working and other staffs that work with you. With this, you can be a good animal care specialist. Additionally, you should always learn the skills for becoming good animal care specialist from many sources. You can learn the skills from specialized DVDs, books and joining professional associations.

The third thing that you should do is to enroll in a community college class or a home study course that covers anything about the animals such as the way to handle it and the way to take care of it. You will find that this will be very important thing to do since this covers anything about veterinary.

The next thing that you should do is to be aware of any job implications. You will find that the implications vary can be exercising shelter animals, feeding animals and cleaning their cages. But, you might find that the jobs might different among the animal specialist. This depends on the place of the employment.

The last thing that you should do is to get the certification. This is done if you are planning to move into more challenging positions or working in the same clinic that you choose forever. Those are some things that you should do to become an animal care specialist.

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Strange Careers You May Not Have Considered

By : C M Johnson

It seems we've come to a point in time, economically speaking, that creativity will be an option of choice, but often not "by" choice. With the global shift in the price of labor and its effect, many folks have to redesign their career life, often in midlife. Young people can study the road ahead and determine their path from a beginning perspective, purposefully aligning themselves with the latest trends in the career marketplace. Some economists are now forecasting that there may be a recession every three years in the United States.

With this in mind, the word innovation comes to mind. In decades past when Americans faced tough times, innovation grown from pure, hopeful, and driven creativity has often saved the day, turning people's futures around. Inventors particularly benefit by innovation, enjoying the 20 years worth of legal monopoly that a new use patent brings through manufacture and sale of their invention and more often, licensing their invention to companies earning a royalty on each sale. This is one of those strange careers you may not have considered.

You are probably wondering: How do I become creative, right? In the case of inventions, most inventors begin by thinking of common problems that exist in their life and the life of others they know. Have those particular problems been solved by someone else? Normally a patent search is needed to determine this. You can do this through Google's patent search. If, after combing through all the patent drawings and text you don't see anything that looks like your idea, a formal patent search by an attorney may be in order.

If you have had a formal search done then want to pursue your idea, file for a provisional patent application. This can be done for less than $200 total. This buys you one year in which to "license" your idea to a company. Licensing simply means they pay you so much for each and every one of your invention / products that sell. Also, being able to claim "Patent Pending" for your invention is a true advantage to you as well. Licensing is good because once you strike up an agreement, the income is residual, making you money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without the use of your time! This gives you the time and the money at the same time. I will place information under useful links for an expert in this process (I'm not compensated in any way for this referral).

What's your strategy for the future: More education, a different career, a new business, an invention? When you exhaust all other options, it is your creativity or lack thereof that will determine your success or failure. I predict this factor will increasingly determine your success or failure across time. Start looking inward for your creativity today.

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Several Things You Should Know About an Equine Veterinarian

By : Darnell X Hardin

There are many veterinarians that work in a private practice. The percentage reaches 80% and you will find 6% among them focusing on horses. This number is got from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

When you want o be an equine veterinarian, you should be able to accept on-call emergencies, to perform the examinations, to diagnose the conditions and to provide on-site treatment in any conditions. Additionally, there are many duties that you should do. One of duties that you should do is that your patients should be your priority. This is based on the guidelines from the American Association of Equine Practitioners. You should also minimize pain or fear of the equines that you are working with.

You will find that equine veterinarian needs a lot of equipment to make the job easy. When you get this profession, you might need anything to be portable. You might need a truck, van or trailer with all the equipment inside. You can perform, the treatment to your patients at the clinic and you can bring the equine back with the vehicle that you have.

Furthermore, equine veterinarian should have a good relationship with the client and the patient. This means that you should maintain accurate and confidential records, wait prescriptions and make arrangements care for the equines when you have become an equine veterinarian.

However, bachelor's degree is the main requirement that you should fulfill when you want to become an equine veterinarian. The degree must focus on sciences that include zoology, animal nutrition, biology and chemistry. Then you must also complete a four-year veterinary medicine. Additionally, you should hold the license from the state that will allow you to practice in the U.S.

Those are several things about equine veterinarian that you should know if you are interested in this profession. With hard work, you will be able to get the job and work with horses that need help. But, you should always be careful since it might be quite dangerous to work with large animal.

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It's Just Not Fair - In Transition, Disappointment Affects Everyone

By : Lisa K McDonald

We are used to hearing that from little ones about their older brother or sister getting to do something that they are not or not being allowed to stay up a moment past their bedtimes. Even from our teens in not being allowed to go have the freedoms of an adult without the mentality of one. But as adults, we sometimes find ourselves saying that as well. And you know what; it is okay. It is justified when we are upset about a slighting of our children or loved ones. I find that I say it more in my "momma bear" mode for my kids than I do for myself. After all, I am a grown up, I know the motto suck it up, but when it involves ones we love, well then, the rules change.

Get ready folks, football season has started and there will be a lot of analogies coming your way. This is my son's Senior Year in High School. Big time! The season has not started and already I am biting my tongue enough where I think it will come off at any moment. First let me explain, my son is a chip off both blocks. Between his father and I - the kid is kind of ruined in terms of stubbornness, attitude and strong desire to express our opinions (in an appropriate way) when we see things that are not just. And, well, there is the attitude. He is 17, and a boy, and plays lots of sports, and has inherited his mother's attitude. People have told me they can just look at me and know immediately if it is really a wise idea to challenge me on something at that moment. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeves. My son has also inherited my naive firm belief that things should be just, right and fair. Decisions made on the basis of merit, ethics and all the proper values. What I have seen in less than a week is testing what we are made of; but, as his father pointed out, it is just a matter of proving yourself once again and it will happen. But as a mother, it is hard. It is hard to sit back and watch helplessly while these things transpire. I want to DO something, I want to be able to make something happen, I want to make it better.

Last week I talked to a woman who is helping her husband with his resume. He is in an incredible funk and this sweet woman is carrying that burden along with the stress of trying to continually build him up and look at the bright side of things. It is killing her watching the effect the transition is having on her husband. She wants to do something, she wants to make things happen, she wants to make it better.

Another client freely admits that he is driving his wife insane because he is looking for work and is being a complete (and not my words) "nutcase" about it. He said his wife has asked how she can help (my assumption: she wants to do something, she wants to make things happen, she wants to make it better) and he tells her he does not know what she can do.

You see, the stress of transition falls not only to those that are in transition, but to everyone around them. Men, and yes I am generalizing here so forgive me, tend to merge who they are with what they do and how they can provide. When there is a chink in their armor, it drives straight to the heart. Women, again I am generalizing, want to do something for them, to make it better. It is a tough world to live in and sometimes we just do not see beyond our own frustrations.

Great, you may be thinking, you have wonderful insight to what is going on in my home but how do we make it GO AWAY??? I wish I had the magic answer to that. It simply does not go away, it eats and tears at us. Personally, I try to take a philosophical approach. This is a time that nerves are raw and we really see the ties that bind. This is the opportunity for very open communication and a chance to become stronger, even if it is not at this moment, but in time. It is also a time to make plans (a primary and back up or two), have a purpose, and go after that primary plan. And if it just so happens that it is not working out the way you want, after you have put everything you have into it, then you already have your back up ready to implement. Take control of what you can and do the best with what you have, this is no time for excuses. Now is the time to give it everything you have no matter what.

For the woman and her husband, I told her to blame me for the following: she was to go home and tell him that I would be glad to speak to him at one of my classes; however, before doing so he must come up with 25 positive things about himself. Only after I see this list would I be able to help him with his resume. I told her the point in this is to force him to see the good in himself in what he can offer not only in a job, but in other ways. It is a difficult assignment; however one which I think will be very valuable. I image that he will want to ask her for advice on the list and possibly he will get some glimpse of insight as to how much good she sees in him.

For my client, I told him he must tell his wife that he knows he is being a donkey's rear end and he appreciates the fact that she has not smothered him in his sleep. He is not intentionally shutting her out but he honestly does not know what she can do to help him. And I told him he should tell her that as well then ask her opinion. Once he has asked for her opinion, he must shut up and listen. Not knock any suggestion that she gives but be appreciative that she gives it. And he should allow her the opportunity to tell him he's been the rear end and offer a diversion, do something outside of transition world, even if it is a walk around the block.

For me, well, I am going to focus on the positive that my son has incredible athletic ability (this is not momma bear bragging, I have had several coaches tell me he is one of the most athletic kids in the high school) and is a strong young man able to stand up for himself and what he believes is just and right in a moral sense and not in a self-centered-the-world-revolves-around-me-teenage-entitlement sense. Yes, he knows the difference, I have seen it in action and it is those moments that my breath catches in my throat because there is an adult in there wanting to come out! Although, sometimes he just chooses to ignore it. I have to believe that when all is said and done he will be on that field kicking butt and (from my keyboard to the greater power's ears) some college will want him to come play for them. Just on a side note, I also have game film of him, just in case any school is interested in seeing just how this kid tackles so hard he gives concussions and has hands that the ball just seems to find...

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Using Meditation to Forge on With Your Career

By : Nelson Berry

Some people just want to have jobs. Majority, though, want to build up a career. This means they want to see development usually in the form of promotion. They want to take up more trainings and improve their skills.

However, finding and getting into a career that you truly want is not that simple. You will find yourself embroiled in a lot of issues and problems. You can get entangled amid office gossip, deadliest deadline, and too much stress. Sometimes the challenges are too great you would think you would never achieve the goals you have set for your career.

When you feel like they are getting heavier by the day, you may want to meditate.

The Benefits of Meditation

Matthieu Ricard is 63 years old, French interpreter, and considered to be one of the happiest men in the world. His work along with the Dalai Lama had turned him into a Buddhist monk. However, that is not really the main secret for his excellent mood and high level of happiness. It is in meditation.

Meditation has become a part of culture of Buddhism. It has been around for thousands of years, and so far, it has never failed to bring plenty of benefits to its ardent practitioners.

What are its benefits? The topmost advantage of meditating is the gift of an uncluttered mind. It does this through proper breathing. When you breathe during meditation, you do so deeply and slowly. This is how you allow the air to pass in and out of your body while feeling its vibrations. When you get in sync with such vibrations, you will find yourself becoming more aware of the present moment, thus getting rid yourself the uncertainties and worries you may have about your career.

Moreover, when you have a clearer mind, it will be easy for you to make more rational decisions.

The Use of Subliminal Messages

Meditation also allows you one of the sub-branches of neuro-linguistic programming or NLP called subliminal messages. Also known as auto-suggestions, these sentences or statements have a way of changing your perception about things, usually shifting negative thoughts and emotions to something positive. Perhaps during the course of meditation, you can utter or listen to the following:

* I can be successful in my chosen career.
* I envision myself treading the path I choose.
* I can achieve all the job goals.
* My career path is clear.
* I will be following my own destiny.

The subliminal messages are meant for your subconscious, a part of your mind you do not have full control. When you can activate these subliminal messages, they become so powerful they can be your new belief system.

Practicing meditation does not happen overnight. It may even take months before you master it. Nevertheless, the benefits are definitely going to be worth the wait. In the process, you will notice how you become to be more productive, clear with your objectives, and definitely a much better person than before.

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IT Jobs and the Shortage of Professionals

By : Rostyslav Dumych

Most small and medium organizations find it very difficult to hire candidates as these professionals are hard to find. IT professionals too; prefer to associate with bigger organizations. IT jobs in these organizations help professionals to grow with the organization and also adds weight age to their profile. There are many factors which are involved in the industry. There are a number of advantages and disadvantaged in the global market which may be involved and the smaller the organization the higher the issues. IT jobs have many benefits but it is essential for these professionals to constantly update their knowledge and be prepared to deal with changes in strategies, flexibility and cost effectiveness which are amongst the leading services provided by the organization. IT professionals can provide solutions to various divisions in an organization and they have a wide range of IT jobs to choose from.

IT jobs can include a number of enhanced business opportunities which are required for the growth of the organization. Hiring the right professionals for IT jobs can enhance the services of the organization and can ensure it can achieve its long term business goals.

IT professionals can help to stabilize a business and help it to grow. Many organizations have undergone various changes in the recent years and have reconstructed their operations. This has given way to many outsourced IT jobs in the market. The IT industry is growing rapidly and it is very difficult for the employers to find suitable candidates for these IT jobs. IT jobs in the field of network systems and data communications are very highly in demand and will continue to increase. IT jobs in the field of computer engineering and system analyst are also in demand. Database administrators and software engineers come in next. The growth in the IT sector has seen a sudden demand for IT professionals and IT jobs for specialist such as engineers are most in demand. Technology related IT jobs have also started to increase and IT workers for all levels are required in this field. The shortage of IT professionals is a major issue for the IT industry.

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Job Search Strategies For New Canadian Residents

By : Lilly Gordon

When you choose to make the move to Alberta from overseas, there are many things to consider: housing, transportation, family and of course, a job. No matter what your skills are coming into Canada, you may have to fill in certain areas of your life in order to obtain a job with the same skill set.

There are several ways to make the transition from being a new immigrant without employment to an employed resident of Alberta. If you are looking for a corporate position, Edmonton or Calgary are the best places to start.

If you are a skilled immigrant with no Canadian work experience and little grasp of the English language, your best option is to try and find a program at a college or university that will prepare you for the work force. These programs are designed to help newly landed immigrants develop job search strategies and look for employment that suits their previous skill set.

Programs such as this can offer the following skills:

* English as a second language

* Effective interview strategies

* Writing professional cover letters and résumés

* Networking skills

* Communication skills in and out side of the office

* Time management skills

* English skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

These courses also offer an unpaid job placement with a host company in the student's sector of choice, which is a valuable tool for future job opportunities and a great resource.

When you are prepared to find a permanent position in the workforce, there are several job search strategies you can employ to help with the search:

1. Research companies in your city of choice that would be a good match for your skill set.
2. Apply to your companies of choice before they advertise for a position.
3. Work with a professional job search company - they can offer years of experience finding jobs for people just like you.
4. Learn about popular Canadian software and take evening or weekend courses to familiarize yourself with the software that you may have to use in your work sector.
5. Study the companies you would like to work for and find similarities between your old job in that industry and what you could do for the companies you would like to work for.
6. Find opportunities to network with successfully employed new Canadians just like yourself. Not only will it boost your optimism, it could also lead to a job interview.
7. Volunteer in the area you would like to work. Gaining experience at a business in Alberta, even if it is unpaid, is priceless and will look great on your résumé.

With some preparation, experience and a drive to succeed, you will no doubt find a wonderful new job that suits your skills.

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Take The First Step Today

By : Ricky I K Ruto

When considering a business venture or any other kind of venture in life most people stop themselves before they've taken the first step.

All of the different factors that they haven't smoothed out yet begin to appear and suddenly what they want to do seems impossible.

This is the time when you have to start taking actions even when you are not totally sure that they are going to work.

If you've already got an inkling of what you need to do and have jotted down a few notes begin to take actions.

Call the people who you believe you need to contact. Go to the office space that you are thinking of leasing. Do the things that you can at that very moment.

This exercises is meant to get your mind off all the things that you 'can't' do and on to the things that you can.

After you take a few actions you will begin to notice that parts of the plan that you didn't see before are starting to come into focus and being resolved.

This is because the mind is beginning to call on its faculties to further your plan. While you are out there doing things that seem unimportant I assure you that a day or even an hour later you will begin to see how they all fit in to the big picture.

An example of this that I experienced was when I wanted to take out office space. Considering that at the time I only had one online business I didn't really need the space but I wanted to get out the house to do work therefore it was necessary.

I didn't really see how I was going to afford office space and a secretary as well as all the over heads. Internet, cleaning fees e.T.C

then one day I was accosted by an individual who wanted to have a meeting with me about being a potential business partner. Considering I'd only just met the individual I didn't even want to entertain the idea but I went anyway.

Upon arriving at his office I found out it was a building that had floors which were sectioned off so many businesses were on the same floor who share a common secretary! This I realized was exactly what I was looking for.

Taking that action (the meeting) that seemed so totally random actually led to the solution to one of my problems!

Every action irrespective of how random seeming is leading you to where you need to be.

Remember, 'there are no coincidences only the illusion of coincidence'

thank you for reading and have a beautiful day.

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Were You Fired From Your Last Job? Here Are Some Tips For Future Interviews

By : Vanessa Renee

With the current job market, it's hard enough to find a job for the most highly qualified and praised professionals, however finding a job can be even more difficult for those who were fired from a previous job.

When interviewing for your next job, it's important for you to first assess what went wrong at your previous job. What could you have done differently? How will you change your behaviors in the future? What have you learned? How will this make you a better employee going forward?

The following are ways to explain your parting with your previous company, without flat out saying you were fired.

• Reason for termination: Change in corporate direction. Explain that the business took a new direction, and you did not support the changes that were being made. Then, quickly move on and talk about ways that the experience has made you a better employee. Demonstrate what you have learned about working with others, being flexible, and submitting to authority. Regardless of how ugly the break was with your formal employer, never speak unkindly of the company or the individuals there.

• Reason for termination: Change in management. Sometimes management changes, and you may have been let go because you didn't get along with your new boss. If this was the case, explain that some people just don't mesh. Do not elaborate on the conflict. Proceed to share references managers and colleagues with whom you had a fantastic working relationship. This demonstrates that while you may have had conflict with one person, you also have built strong professional relationships with many other people in the same time frame. Almost everyone has had a difficult boss at some point, and they will hopefully look past this. Do not speak unkindly of your former boss.

• Reason for termination: Conduct. While everyone can relate to an experience with a difficult boss, it can be rather tricky to explain being fired for infractions that are considered major office taboo such as sexual harassment, drug use, or misuse of company funds among other dirty deeds. In this situation, you need to be prepared for the fact that some companies will not hire your. The best approach is to honest, but brief, and show how you will be a better employee because of the situation. Then you can try to steer the conversation toward your professional accomplishments.

• Reason for termination: Poor performance reviews. If you were fired because your work was not up to par, first you should assess why you were under-performing and try to address those issues. You may find help by calling your past bosses and colleagues and asking them for ways that you could have improved. If you take this approach, remember not to be defensive. What is done is done. Listen humbly to their suggestions for your improvement. Once you have identified actionable changes you can make, it will be easier for you to assure an employer that you have made the changes necessary to succeed at their company.

Most importantly, do not lie about why you lost your job. It is fine to tell the truth, and then offer positive ways that the experience will affect your performance in the future. The truth does have a way of getting around, so if you lie to your employer, when he finds out that you have falsely represented yourself, you will likely be fired again.

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Earning Residual Income Online Means Investing in Yourself

By : Ellis Jackson

One of the problems that people face when they begin the process of earning residual income online from home is that it is to difficult to do. I make a suggestion that they should make an investment by purchasing an internet marketing course. But they look at me and say that it is too expensive. What! Are they kidding me? Investing in yourself is never too expensive when it could better your life in the long run. Just look at all the money most people waste everyday.

Cigarettes do nothing but kill you and people spend spend $5 to $6 a pack almost 7 days a week for years. How about their precious coffee every morning from those expensive coffee shops. They will stand in line all morning to get that caffeine fix. If you sat down and added all that money up you will have realized that you have nearly $2000 bucks or more on those items each years. Now tell me how any of that money helped you in earning residual income? Image if you would have took that money and started investing in yourself? Who knows what you would have accomplished by now.

Look at it like this. Pretend that you socked away just 50 cents a day for one year and someone challenged you to start earning residual income online with it. What would you do first? Well, let's see? The amount you would have would add up to $182.50. A few less cups of coffee could easy make that up. Now find something that will actually teach you something and not just promise you the moon and stars. You can find that with money to spare. Then look over the material and follow the steps given to you and you could be on your way. But there is one thing you must realize when you are investing in yourself.

Others out there are doing the same thing you are. There are learning those tips and tricks just like everybody else. Once you start you will have other competitors both experienced and newbies all doing the same thing. That means once you catch up in your learning you must take it to the next level.

Just like a basketball coach who teaches basketball to other players there is no guarantee that he or she will make it to the pros. That player must take what they have learned and go beyond it. That is what you must do if you want to start earning residual income online. Investing in yourself means that you will have to do something that makes you stand out from all the rest. Or find a niche that is not heavily targeted yet and go after it and dominate it. If you can do that you can then get your foot in the door as an expert in that field and then grow from there.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Choosing to Become a Law Enforcement Officer

By : Paul Westen

A career as a law enforcement officer can be very rewarding. Many people who look into law enforcement positions are people who are genuinely concerned with being of assistance to the public. They enjoy helping and making people feel safe. Becoming a law enforcement officer means you must be a people person because there are many who depend on you.

When you choose to become an enforcement officer, you demand respect and take pride in making a difference in other people's lives. The training of earning this title is far from easy and normally only 1 out of 80 applicants make it completely through the testing process. This is a career you should absolutely be serious about before applying. You must be willing to commit and dedicate yourself to preparing, educating, getting yourself in excellent physical shape, making informed decisions, testing and improving your skills, communicate effectively, and learn to perform well under pressure. All these things will play extremely important parts in being selected for a law enforcement position, and you being successful at it.

Many people have a false idea of what being a law enforcement officer is really like, and this normally comes from television programs that don't portray what it's like in the real world. So, when many apply, the assumption of an officer from their favorite television show is embedded in their head. Bottom line, consider visiting one of your local police stations and ask for a peek into the life of a law enforcement officer. Explain to them your plans of becoming one and how you want to know more about what it's like.

It's always good to contact specific branches you are interested in. This way you can decide if that branch is the right one for you. Some officers will allow you to ride along in some instances and even be happy to talk with you about their experiences as law enforcement. You can offer to volunteer at the agency and even check your local library or bookstore for guides that coach you on how to prepare for a life as an enforcement officer.

Choosing this type of career can give you tremendous job security, because enforcement officers will always be in high demand. You have a variety of other positions you can consider after becoming an officer, so a company running out of work will never be an issue for you.

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Five Major Business Trends That Will Impact Education and the Emerging Job Market

By : Colin Mclean

Baby Boomers Come of Age

Baby boomers are a huge demographic headed for retirement. The main element that separates this Baby Boomer generation from older generations is their attention to health issues and the length of time they have spent in the job market.

As generations grow older, there will be a greater need for specialized health care. Other areas that are likely to be impacted by the coming-of-age Baby Boomers include such industries as assisted living and social working.

Increasingly Effective Medicine

Innovations in the medical field along with the robust output of the pharmaceutical industry will help people to live longer; while maintaining the productivity of their lives. There are a growing number of adults who expect to work beyond the traditional normal retirement age. This trend will both demand and require a whole new generation of health care professionals and specialists that will be a major asset in helping to prolong the quality and vibrancy of life.

An Increased Need for Child Care Services

For people who work hard to maintain a certain standard of living, the need for high quality childcare services has resulted in a market place response with a variety of programs, such as pre-kindergarten educational programs that require highly trained educators. Traditionally a lower paying profession, childcare service is slowly becoming a more lucrative and stable career destination for many people. These educators are positioned to demand higher salaries than their predecessors.

Technology on the Move

There is never a shortage of ideas, and the fact that many American companies look to overseas for technology solutions should have no major impact on US technology professionals who have the skills and knowledge to effect upgrades and repairs. The world is competitive, and companies will continually need to provide their teams with competitive equipment and industry resources. IT, electrical, and cable Infrastructures will need to be updated on a continual basis.

IT professionals who have training and skills in networking and support should experience stable demand as companies come of age through the need to be and remain competitive on an on-going basis.

The Distribution of Work

The Distribution of work will continue to be a main impetus for the development of increasingly effective information networks. The term "hot desking" will become more familiar as consultants and business professionals continue to divide their time among diverse locations.

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5 Ways to Use Praise and Recognition to Skyrocket Your Business

By : Nan McAdam

Everyone has a reason for working. Whether it is a traditional job or an entrepreneurial career choice. One obvious reason for earning money is to bring it into the household to purchase goods, services, savings for "rainy days" or retirement. Another reason for working is to pay off our debts. Like the bumper sticker says, "I owe, I owe, so off to work I go."

While those may be compelling reasons, there is another one most people don't think about or talk about. It is the secret reason some people find their job satisfying and enjoyable. What is that reason? It is praise and recognition.

I have had people tell me that they don't work for praise and recognition. They say it isn't important to them. If they are being truthful, they are not the norm. The majority of people have an increased sense of well being in a job or career when their accomplishments are sincerely praised and they are recognized for those achievements.

If you are a leader of a team and want to increase productivity by using praise and recognition, here are 5 things you can do:

1. Identify the behavior that brings the results you want. When the successful behavior is recognized with praise, it makes that person want to do the thing again to earn more praise. Not only will that person want to duplicate that behavior, but the team mates around them will, also, want to do what it takes to receive praise and recognition.

2. Always look for reasons to praise. Effective praise is spontaneous. Look for genuine reasons to praise. I, personally, don't believe sincere praise can be overdone. I don't believe that you can love and appreciate your team members too much. Praise can be in the form of using their name in a speech or a smile with the words "well done" attached.

3. Think of it as being a good will ambassador, always saying something nice about someone. Sometimes, is may be tough to find something good about someone. But, keep looking. Everyone has something nice about them, worthy of praise and recognition. It is worth the effort when you do.

4. Above all, it should appear natural. At first it will take conscious effort to find those good things and praise them. But, with practice, it will begin to flow naturally. It won't seem phony or contrived.

5. An effective way to praise and recognize is to send short written notes. Those short notes are usually kept and can be read over and over. Better yet, send a short note of praise to their home to their spouse or loved ones. When you make them look like a hero in the eyes of the people they love, wow, what a powerful recognition.

Praise and recognition, used correctly, can increase productivity, help everyone reach their goals and increase the positive feelings of your team members. With all that juice, doesn't it make sense to get really good at it?

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What Does a Legal Office Assistant Do?

By : Danielle Gibbings

If you have been considering becoming a legal office assistant (also known as a paralegal) you should first become familiar with what the job entails. If you are familiar with the role of the legal assistant you will be able to decide if this is the right career for you.

The first thing you should know is that a legal assistant does require secondary training. You can take a course at a community college or a business college. The length of your course will vary but you can sometimes finish your training in under a year. You will be trained to understand the terminology that is used in law offices as well as many of the simpler tasks that lawyers need to perform. Lawyers relay on legal assistants to complete many of easier tasks so that they have more time to focus on the case.

You should understand that a paralegal or legal assistant cannot practice law. That means that they cannot set fees, give any type of legal advice, or represent someone in a courtroom. They cannot take the place of a qualified lawyer.

Legal assistants are most often involved in the behind the scenes work. That may include doing paper investigations and research. They may have to find witnesses to support the case or look for similar cases that can help the lawyer find a new angle to the case. Lawyers rarely do this kind of work themselves.

Each case comes with a great deal of paper work that must be taken care of with confidentiality and precision. Each report that is typed up must be perfect. Court orders, contracts, and agreements must also be perfect and will be approved by the lawyer but the lawyer will rely on the paralegal to make sure that facts have been check and that no mistakes are made.

The legal assistant may accompany the lawyer to court procedures to take care of paperwork and reports. They may help with prepping witness before court is in session, as well. This takes a great deal of training and hard work and a properly trained legal assistant can be a great asset to any lawyer.

If you are interested in becoming a legal assistant you will find that there are many options available to you. A couple of the things you should look for when you are looking for a place to get your education would be instructors that are fully trained and have worked in the industry. You should also look for things like small classrooms (so that you will be able to get one on one attention), recently updated class material, and a school that offers a practicum placement so that you can get real world experience that will help you find a job when you graduate.

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Do Administrative Assistants Need to Network?

By : Danielle Gibbings

What matters most to you typically comes from your values. This is true in your personal life as well as your work. People who value relationships, for instance, often have lots of friends and choose to work in socially-connected environments or as part of a team. Others who value autonomy and adventure generally prefer to work alone, in remote areas or in niche professions where they call the shots.

Knowing what matters to you and what you need in your work, such as time with others or time alone, goes a long way to helping you choose what type of work and working conditions make you happiest, and best able to bring your talents and skills to the task at hand.

The challenge for many of us, however, is this: we are in careers, jobs or professions that don't feel like a choice - we simply ended up here. A friend who gets us an interview where they work; an entry-level job evolves into something we don't particularly enjoy but the money is good; we get comfortable doing something for years and lose our self-confidence, believing we are unable to do anything else. All of this spells one thing: boredom, dissatisfaction or burn out. We need a change... A new job, or better yet, a new career... but where to start?

Typically, many people start looking for new opportunities by perusing the classifieds, looking to find positions that could fit with a particular set of experiences, skills or competencies they have collected over the years. Resumes are updated and sent out, sometimes we are called for interviews and maybe we land the new job, which may or may not be better than the last one. If we are lucky, we're happy. If not, the cycle starts again.

Another strategy is to network: get to know people in your field, make sure they have your business card or phone number and stay in touch with them, lest an opportunity come across their desks that fits with what you do. This strategy has potential as you have developed another source of job opportunities - jobs that are not advertised in any of the usual places. This still involves sending out resumes, and going through the recruitment cycle and again, may get you the dream job, or may not.

In my experience as a Career Transition Coach, the best strategy is to start with the end in mind. If you want to be happy in your work, then start with knowing what makes you happy. Your values will tell you this. Take the time to really understand your values; ask yourself what is really important to you, what makes you feel alive and engaged? Is it work-life balance, so you have time with your family? Is it a strong feeling to make a difference in the lives of other people? Is it about learning and trying new things? Is it about being creative, bringing new ideas to life?

When you begin with your values, you have a head start on everyone else scanning the job ads. First of all, you start with self-awareness, and in really knowing yourself, you set yourself up to make choices that align with who you are. Secondly, with your values clearly articulated, you now have a set of criteria to use in vetting potential job or career opportunities - and you have something to tell your network so they will know which opportunities to send (and not send) your way. Finally, you are looking for work based on who you are as well as what you do. This alone will help you find and keep the kind of work that brings out your best qualities.

Many people say life is short. Yes, it is... but it is also deep. Getting to that depth starts with delving into what is most important to you and using your gifts, talents and capabilities to make a contribution to the world based on your unique set of attributes. Start your job search or career transition with an exploration of your values and you will likely find your life - at work and everywhere else - more satisfying than you imagined possible.

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Career Transition - What to Do Before You Even Think About Updating Your Resume

By: Lisa Schmidt Winsor

What matters most to you typically comes from your values. This is true in your personal life as well as your work. People who value relationships, for instance, often have lots of friends and choose to work in socially-connected environments or as part of a team. Others who value autonomy and adventure generally prefer to work alone, in remote areas or in niche professions where they call the shots.

Knowing what matters to you and what you need in your work, such as time with others or time alone, goes a long way to helping you choose what type of work and working conditions make you happiest, and best able to bring your talents and skills to the task at hand.

The challenge for many of us, however, is this: we are in careers, jobs or professions that don't feel like a choice - we simply ended up here. A friend who gets us an interview where they work; an entry-level job evolves into something we don't particularly enjoy but the money is good; we get comfortable doing something for years and lose our self-confidence, believing we are unable to do anything else. All of this spells one thing: boredom, dissatisfaction or burn out. We need a change... A new job, or better yet, a new career... but where to start?

Typically, many people start looking for new opportunities by perusing the classifieds, looking to find positions that could fit with a particular set of experiences, skills or competencies they have collected over the years. Resumes are updated and sent out, sometimes we are called for interviews and maybe we land the new job, which may or may not be better than the last one. If we are lucky, we're happy. If not, the cycle starts again.

Another strategy is to network: get to know people in your field, make sure they have your business card or phone number and stay in touch with them, lest an opportunity come across their desks that fits with what you do. This strategy has potential as you have developed another source of job opportunities - jobs that are not advertised in any of the usual places. This still involves sending out resumes, and going through the recruitment cycle and again, may get you the dream job, or may not.

In my experience as a Career Transition Coach, the best strategy is to start with the end in mind. If you want to be happy in your work, then start with knowing what makes you happy. Your values will tell you this. Take the time to really understand your values; ask yourself what is really important to you, what makes you feel alive and engaged? Is it work-life balance, so you have time with your family? Is it a strong feeling to make a difference in the lives of other people? Is it about learning and trying new things? Is it about being creative, bringing new ideas to life?

When you begin with your values, you have a head start on everyone else scanning the job ads. First of all, you start with self-awareness, and in really knowing yourself, you set yourself up to make choices that align with who you are. Secondly, with your values clearly articulated, you now have a set of criteria to use in vetting potential job or career opportunities - and you have something to tell your network so they will know which opportunities to send (and not send) your way. Finally, you are looking for work based on who you are as well as what you do. This alone will help you find and keep the kind of work that brings out your best qualities.

Many people say life is short. Yes, it is... but it is also deep. Getting to that depth starts with delving into what is most important to you and using your gifts, talents and capabilities to make a contribution to the world based on your unique set of attributes. Start your job search or career transition with an exploration of your values and you will likely find your life - at work and everywhere else - more satisfying than you imagined possible.

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Project Management Certification - Programs That Work

By : Rafael Tassini

In order to successfully succeed in project management, you must be thoroughly trained. Project management is not the type of skill that is to be taken lightly. Project managers handle an important part of any business that can cost the company a lot of money if they aren't done properly. This means that specifications must be adhered to, deadlines must be met, and communication must be fluid at all times. As manager you must make sure the project team works together in order to make this happen. This certification will get you started so that you can be successful along this career path.

How can you find a project management certification program that works? When looking for the right program for you, it is always best to consider the educator's reputation. Would you really train with a school that is reported to have more complaints than successes on record? Are the alumni of the school satisfied? Are they proud to have graduated from the school? Did the experience and education make their lives richer? Schools usually have testimonials from their students. Look them over carefully to get a good idea of what kind of experience you'll have while attending classes.

Perhaps you find yourself too busy to take your certification classes in a traditional school. Does the school you want to attend have long distance learning for your program? This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to do your classes online either. While this is popular, especially among project management certification programs, there are other ways to do distance learning. Perhaps your school can send you books you need or lectures you'll need to hear on DVD or some other format. The more flexible your learning experience is, the better your program will work for you.

There are other things to consider as well. Who are your instructors? Are they experienced in project management? What are their credentials? Learning from someone more experienced than you in your field is the only way to truly learn your trade. You'll not only learn what to expect, but what is expected of you as well. A good project management certification program won't just teach you the basics. It will go in depth, teaching you terminology, practices, and project management standards. You'll become familiar with your responsibilities, and how to handle them. A good certification program will give you all the knowledge you'll need to succeed in the business world.

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Tips For Finding Your Best Business Success Mentor

By : Jeffrey T Clark

Many people go into business using only gut-feel to make their way through the intricacies of running a commercial venture. While this has worked in the past and has even produced some winners and successes, it's not always a guarantee. More factors come into play, such as the viability of the business, the quality of the product, pricing, marketing strategy and business direction. To improve their chances of enjoying business success, many people turn to a mentor for guidance. Do you need one? Here are tips you can use to help you in finding the best mentor for your success:

Determine your business goals

Think carefully about what your business is and what you want it to become in the future. Be detailed if you can and don't just throw in generalizations such as, 'I want a successful business' or 'I want my business to make money'. Know what you truly want to achieve and what your short-term and long-term goals are.

Consider the strong and weak points of your business. If you see these clearly, it will be easier to find the best mentor to guide the growth of your business.

Look for someone who has the expertise in the field or industry you want to excel in

This will increase your chances of learning the right kind of skills and knowledge to help you thrive in your chosen business. If your business is in IT or Internet marketing, you might not maximize your learning with someone who is heavily into the retail or construction industry. Their experience and knowledge may be irrelevant or insufficient to be of any use to you.

Have a good idea about what you wish to achieve from a mentoring relationship

Identify your purpose/s and desired results. The best mentor for you fully understands your needs vis-à-vis your capability and willingness. If it's clear to him what you hope to achieve, you can eliminate the possibility of confusion regarding your expectations and his role as your guide.

Identify the most probable sources of your mentor

It's possible that the best mentor for your business is one that is already familiar with your business. Try to identify possible advisers from members of your business association, management team or even business acquaintances whose success and experience in their own ventures you admire. You may also consider a business owner with an excellent track record in the same industry.

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How Do You Handle Your Boss Who is Acting As a Bully?

Dr.Joseline Edward

Recently on a social blog, a female IT professional mentioned her boss' behavior. She mentioned that her boss was snooping and spying his direct reports also he forced her to work for long hours every day without remuneration under threat of dismissal. Besides she was threatened in front of others. I was really shocked to see the manager behavior.

At some point of time in our career, most us have faced or may face these kinds of bosses. A study by the Employment Law Alliance was reported in CIO magazine reveals that almost half of all employees have been targeted by a bullying boss at some point of time in their career. The detailed result shows that 81 percent of bullies are managers; among, 50 percent of bullies are women managers and 50 percent are men managers; 84 percent of targets are women; 82 percent of targets ultimately lost their job; 95 percent of bullying is witnessed. They cause high turnover rates, reduced productivity and increased employee absences which are bad for an organization.

In general most of us would like to have a good working relationship with our superiors, but what if our bosses are impossible to work with? I would like to suggest three-step-process to handle such situations.

Step 1: In general we can classify bullying managers into two categories. The first category managers do not bully intentionally, they do it by mistake. On the other hand, the second category managers do this intentionally. The managers who come under the first category can be educated to correct their behavior. The victim can have a one-to-one session with the bullying manager to explain how his or her actions hurt the individual both personally and professionally, this would help to change their behavior. A boss who was bullying his subordinates without intentions would most likely understand the situation and would correct his behavior.

Step2: Your boss is continued to behave as he or she was. In this situation, you can approach your Human Resource (HR) department for assistance. You need to keep all evidence to answer questions from HR. Most likely the HR team would help you. Besides, you can try to find a job within a company with some other departments if you really like the company and wanted to stick with the company to develop your career.

Step 3: Now, let us assume that the HR department was not able to help you, your boss continues to behave as he or she was. Besides, you are not able to find a suitable position within the company. What is the best approach for you now? I would suggest you to need find a good job and quit the company. If the company was not able to retain good employees like you, let them bear the burden. It is not a loss for you, Instead, a loss for the company.

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Demonstrating Your Return on Investment in Training

By : Vincent Stevenson

What do we have to do to convince our boss that further training will be a real enhancement to the business?

For those of us who have been in training for a long time, there is a simple formula which when delivered to the boss, makes it difficult for him or her to resist.

It's called Kirkpatrick's evaluation model for training. Donald L Kirkpatrick was a professor at University Of Wisconsin when he published his series of articles in the Journal of American Society of Training Directors in 1959. A training phenomena was born.

Kirkpatrick's training evaluation model uses four levels which are:

Level 1: the reaction of student - how they enjoyed the training experience and felt about it afterward.

Level 2: learning - the measurable hightening of core skills and business flexibility.

Level 3: behaviour - extent of behaviour and capability improvement and implementation/application.

Level 4: results - the effects on the business or environment resulting from the trainee's performance.

All these measures are recommended for full and meaningful evaluation of learning in organizations, although their application broadly increases in complexity, and usually cost, through the levels from level 1-4.

Think back to your last course? Examine Kirkpatrick's four levels and then look for evidence which is demonstrable to your boss, this evidence must persuade him that more spending on your training will have proven benefits.

Your manager needs to know that your recent training courses have had an impact on you as an individual, as well as demonstrating a significant return on investment to the department. So, it's our job to remind him of your phenomenal learning skills.

Remind him of how the last course went: 'It was a brilliant course; the trainer was fantastic, the facilities first class and all of the support staff were really switched on. It was a great experience.

Now move on to level 2: I learnt how to do spreadsheets, calculations, and functions and I became so much more productive as a team member. I am preparing myself to produce even more advanced work.

It's going well - now move on to level 3: My previous training has really made a difference to the team. I am more skilled and productive and now I'm working to develop the skills of less experienced staff when they have a problem. When I wake up in the morning, I jump out of bed because I'm so excited about the work and the professional progress that I'm making.

And now level 4 - what are the distinguishing results of the training? Well at my last appraisal I was told that my productivity has risen by 30% and my error rate has significantly been reduced. I am currently utilising my professional skills in helping less experienced colleagues and I intend to run a voluntary training session in the coming months.

If it's possible to persuade the boss that every cent of expenditure on your continuous professional development will return an amazing return on investment, you are surprisingly closer to that confirmatory signature.

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